"In fact, since education consists essentially in preparing man for what he must be and for what he must do here below, in order to attain the sublime end for which he was created, it is clear that there can be no true education which is not wholly directed to man's last end," ( Divini Illius Magistri , Pope Pius XI, #7).
“Learning is good because it enables me to know Jesus, love truth (wisdom), set me free to live in conformity with God’s plan for my life (virtue), and thus, get to heaven.”
Imagine with me what our school environments would feel like and sound like if any one of these phrases is what you heard students respond with and repeat when asked what they have learned is their most important goal in life. These are the indicators of student success that capture the highest vision of excellence we believe our students are worthy of as children of God. It is a vision that says,
"To be holy and blameless in his sight, all the days of my life."
"To be holy as the Father in heaven is holy."
"To live a holy life through the vocation I have been uniquely created for."
"To be a saint and get to heaven."
“Adan, you matter more than whether you go to college or get a lucrative career. Your worth and dignity are so great, that the God of the universe calls you to be holy as he is holy. We will assist you in growing in knowledge and wisdom and refining your gifts as a human person so that you can be an agent of holiness in this world through the profession and vocation the Lord has in mind for you.”